Saturday, August 24, 2013

Little Angeline

 Little Angeline at 10 months such a little cutie isn't she, with those huge eyes and chubby checks i am very proud to say she is my little cute adorable niece

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Kiara's 2 year session

It was time to take this little princess 2 year photos she is such a big girl and so independent, how fast do the years pass it wont be so long when i take her 3 year photos. :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Little Jazzlyn at 1 week

 This little one is my little angel sent from above, she was born July the 10th of 2013, they are my pride and joy and wouldn't trade it for anything in the universe i am so blessed to have such beautiful girls, my big girl at 7 years of age and my little one at 1 week.